Sunday, September 29, 2013

Technology vs. Man

In my previous post I began to complain about how people are far too attached to their mobile devices. As an example, while I'm writing this blog post I am sitting in a living room full of my friends watching football. How rude am I?

It has because the norm now a days to constantly be on your cell phone in public, write emails or text messages rather than letters, and to communicate via the web rather than in person. While I do indulge in these conveniences, I think that some of the advances in technology have hurt us as a society. How often do you find yourself running into someone because they aren't looking where they are going? They are looking at their cell phones! Whether it's texting or looking at Facebook, people are constantly hooked to their phones. Cell phone use in public can also be dangerous. Many car accidents have been caused because someone was talking or texting on a cell phone while driving. What issue is so important that we feel the need (or right) to endanger ourselves and the people around us? In my opinion, nothing is that important, and if it is, you should pull over and deal with the problem.

I send roughly about fifteen to twenty emails on a daily basis. I'm not sure how many emails the average person sends day to day, but how many hand written letters do you think they have sent in the past year? My Grandmother used to send me a note in the mail at least once per week, just because she was thinking of me. Today's "thinking of you" letter is now a "thinking of you" text message. I know that I am 100% accountable for doing this, but it's embarrassing to know that we have been degraded to communicating in such an impersonal way.

On the other hand, technology in schools has lead to so many more learning opportunities. Ten years ago, this online class wouldn't have been possible, but today it's almost the standard. We are able to share information, whether it's visual, audio or streaming media, new information is available to people all across the internet. The fact that we have created a community learning environment completely online is astonishing to me. I would even venture to say that technology that we are using in this class has even improved in the last three years. If I'm being completely honest (and I can't help it ... especially since this assignment is a blog), I took this course, CURR 316 a few years ago and didn't pass because my understanding of these new technologies was limited. I spent a few years away from MSU and now that I'm back I was TERRIFIED to take this course again. I can honestly say that the course now is so much better than it was a few years ago, and it's all because of Dr. Domine's ability to show us the newest forms of technological communication. Dr. Domine, thank you for updating the course and including videos explaining our assignments - it's helping me tremendously. I'm excited to learn about all of the new technologies available in classrooms that can connect students and teachers in class and via the web!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Technology Autobiography

It is interesting to think about how communications technologies impact our lives in such a vital way. On a daily basis we are all connected to some form of technology whether it is through a computer, a cell phone, or tablet. Throughout my lifetime, the top three most influential technologies are the cell phone, email, and text messaging. When thinking about which communication technologies were most prevalent in my daily routine, I didn't necessarily consider which devices were the most used, but in which ways I communicate with others.
I love a new gadget as much as the next person, but I don’t always utilize them to their fullest potential. I use each device in the way that it suits me, but rarely bother to investigate its capabilities further, with one exception: my iPhone. I can do anything on my iPhone, and because I am so familiar with it, I use it for more than just texting, calling, emailing, and going on Facebook. Today’s smart phone has the ability to identify a song on the radio, transfer money, play music, stream movies, and even pay for your coffee at Starbucks. Incredible!
While I’ve embraced many of these technological advances, I think that our attachment to our smart phones has hurt us as a society. I find that people are less willing to engage in face-to-face conversations, yet we often talk on the phone while running errands, neglecting those around us. It’s just plain rude. Have you noticed that people have lost some sense of courtesy and manners? How many times has someone almost run into you because he or she was texting while they were walking, and not paying attention? We have become very observant about what happens online, but less aware of what is happening all around us.
Text messaging is one way that I communicate rather frequently, however texting is not a reliable method of communication. Like many technologies, text messaging doesn’t always work. Maybe you don’t have enough service or your text message got lost somewhere in the world, but the message doesn’t always go through as planned.
Emailing is the form of communication I am most proficient with. I use it for work, school, and with friends. Email is great when you need to get a message to someone quickly (i.e. when your professor cancels your 8:00 AM class) and since it can be accessed on the go, it’s like a portable file in one place. While I love emailing, it has essentially taken the place of letter writing. Growing up my Grandmother used to send me notes in the mail at least once a week, just to say hi or if she saw something that made her think of me. Would I have enjoyed them as much if I received them via email? More than likely the answer is no. When is the last time you received a letter in the mail from a friend, or wrote a letter to a friend and mailed it to them?
I learn in some way from each of these three technologies, whether it’s on a personal, professional, or educational level. Through text messaging and phone conversations, I learn about things going on at work or in my family. Through email I am able to connect with colleagues, friends, and even keep up with my schoolwork. To say that emailing hasn’t helped me as a learner would be false seeing as I am currently taking a completely on-line course. In fact, if Michelle hadn’t been sending out reminder emails, I’m sure many of us would’ve forgotten this assignment (thanks, Michelle).
The young people in the video we watched use technology in a much broader way than I do, and perhaps that’s because of the age difference between them and myself. I have never made a movie, a website or edited music on a computer, but all of those kids have done at least one of these things. Today’s young student needs these elements of technology to be engaged with what they are learning because technology plays such a vital role in their lives, and they don’t know learning any other way. They have grown up in a time where these technological advances are the norm, where when I was younger they were just becoming available.

I will admit that I have a hard time thinking about using technology in a music classroom, but I am confident that this course will help me do so!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Test Post

Hi Everyone! This is my first ever blog post for Curriculum 316.

This entry is just a test.