Monday, October 14, 2013

Music & Social Media

I've stated in a few of my assignments & blogs that there is a disconnect between music classes and technology in the classroom. This is mainly because the classes are performance based, and are essentially a rehearsal rather than a traditional class. Technology does, however, play a big role in how music teachers connect with their students and parents. 

Emails, blogs, message boards, Facebook and Twitter are all great ways to keep in touch with parents & students when they aren't in the classroom. Often times the group of students in a music class (i.e. a band, orchestra or choir) have outside commitments or performances to attend. If you, as the teacher, set up a blog or message board (and keep it updated) parents & students have a quick way to check the status of their rehearsals, performances or appearances. I have a friend who is a H.S. Band Director, and he uses to keep kids and parents in the loop. The website provides students with the information I mentioned above, but also keeps them connected during the summer months in preparation for marching band. Students can download audio clips and PDF's of the music so that they can learn it during the summer. I think this is a great way to keep band in the minds of these kids, who could easily forget about their responsibilities during the summer. In addition to all of these great features for kids, the director also uploads videos of each performance for them to see. 

I think that when I eventually am teaching in public schools I will definitely be using this technology for my classes! Until then I'll keep looking for new ways to connect & teach through technology.


  1. I like how you are trying to talk about ways to keep strong communication between parents and yourself. I think it is extremely important to keep parents involved in their child's learning. A major reason a student fails is because they are not getting support, whether at home, in school, or both.

  2. I agree with you and Sean, it is very important for a parent to know what is going on in their childs' and your students life. Keeping parents involved as much as you can will keep them aware and hopefully happy. Also keeping close contact with parents will hopefully give the student more motivation to do well. Music is important and a great way to connect people. So hopefully if a student has a problem with one of their parents it may help for them to bond over music. If a student is having a problem in music class and a student can see it over wiki space it may bring them together if the parent can help the student. I see this as a great idea an opportunity and think you should defiantly give it a try in the future.
